Today is the day I stop being selfish.

I will no longer try to control other people's lives, and I will let go of any bitterness and just let them be. They deserve that from me, and I should let them be who they are. I will be accepting of differences, for they add color and variety to our lives. If everyone is the same, life is bland and monotonous. I have already taken major steps towards letting go of my need to control or influence other people's lives, and I hope the future will bring even more improvements.

I will accept the things I can't change, and that includes people. But If I want to change myself and I can, I will do it.

I will let go of people who are holding me down. I've held some people down, some of them whom I claimed to love more than anything, and I know know that they, and I, deserve support and understanding, not crippling attachment.

I will no longer deceive myself, and I will no longer play games with myself. I will tell the truth even if it hurts me. I will never use the truth as a tool to hurt others. I will care more about the truth than my image. I will be candid, frank, outspoken and earnest. I will no longer need censor myself because I'm afraid of what others may think.

I will constantly improve myself, both physically and mentally. I have allowed myself in the past year to become monotonous, to stop learning new things or following my goals. I am committed to growth, because the more I grow, the better I become.

I will welcome any opportunity to make amends whenever it's asked of me, and I will do my best to offer to make amends and extend apologies whenever I feel it's needed and whenever I feel I've wronged someone.

I will stop projecting my weakness onto others.

I will stop whenever I'm out of control. That means that I must have the courage to sense when I'm losing grip and be a man, and regain control of myself. I will never let lousy emotions justify lousy behavior.

Forgiveness - I will forgive those who have offended me, and I will ask forgiveness from those I've offended and hurt. I will thank those that helped me, even if they never thank me.

I will let go of selfishness by loving others as much as I love myself. I will let go of anger and stop using it as an excuse to bee angry towards others, or act poorly. I will give up something I love, be it money or time, to help out someone in need. I am now going to be altruistic, truly,  and always act when I have nothing but the best intentions, and will strive to go for the highest good in what I do. I will pay attention to those who need it and give them my full attention whenever I can.

I will always care about people more than I care about things. The things won't care back one way or the other, but people might. I pray for the desire and strength and stamina to live a kind, compassionate, loving, courageous life.

I will be a better friend to my friends. I will be there for them through thick and thin. I will be a better sibling, and I will strive to be a better partner when I'm attached.
I will be caring and considerate. I will show concern when I mean it, I will not wait for a cry for help before I show my care and concern. Even if there's nothing wrong, I know the value and warmth you feel when you know someone cares. I will be considerate and thoughtful and and consider others in my decisions and actions, and will show the same treatment and respect I'd like to see being thrown at me.

I will be adventurous, I will step outside my comfort zone and avoid my routines. I will stop hiding behind safety nets and do things I've never done before. I will be bold and act on my instinct.

I will be assertive. I will stand up for what I believe in, for my rights, for my feelings.

I will be grateful. I will open myself up to being grateful and saying thank you, and welcome the abundance of joy it brings.

And most of all, I want to apologize. I feel how empty and meaningless any words of mine may be to  try to assuage the anguish, remorse, hatred and blame I've already caused, and I know how powerless myself and others are to change what has already been done, and I know how difficult it is to relieve or reduce the pain, suffering and anger I have caused through my selfishness. But I feel there is some comfort in the knowledge there are very few wrongs that can't be set right and that it is never truly too late to apologize, and to try to make up for the wrong I've done by being a better man in the future. And that is a promise.


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